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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Consciousness of the Word!

Inspired Scripture Study: Book of Isaiah
Key Scriptures: Isa 1:11-15, 21-31

In my attempt to educate on the consciousness of the word of God, through the
Wisdom, Knowledge & Understanding that I am blessed with, I am lead to a lot of different thoughts, ideologies and opinions. While there are many search engines that I use to research information, my only way of proving the facts is the Bible.

In hopes that this research will lead not only the believer, but the non believer to the truth, sharing only whats in my heart that God has given me. While,proclaiming to be no bible scholar, and only lead to the facts that are backed by scripture.

In relation to our consciousness of the word of God, we should be very careful that we are adding nothing to bible, nor taking anything away from it. A few months ago a question was asked to a couple of respected members in our community, Why we as Christians "remember the sabbath", on Sundays rather than Saturdays? Discouraged, yet not surprised to some of the responses, which basically said that we should," worship Christ everyday and that it shouldn't be an issue".

This is what is meant when said that we should be conscious of the word of God. The only way to answer that question is to truthfully say that, it is a practice of men in which we have been practicing for along time. When the truth is that we are to remember the sabbath and keep it holy, well we know that this is derived from the good Lord resting on the 7th day, we also know that we in this day in time recognize Saturday as the last day of the week and Sunday as the first. Sunday has always been a day of worship for Christians and there is nothing wrong with that, but we should clarify that Sunday is not the Sabbath but yet another day of worship, a day where all the true believers can gather.

However, we should remember the sabbath as Saturday and respect those that remember it as such!! The bible says, in the book of Isaiah 1:13 that these things are detestable to GOD!!! That is just one of the examples of why we should be conscious of the word of GOD for we will be held accountable!

Praying this will encourage anyone who reads this to, truly seek out the scriptures and apply them correctly to our lives. Please pray for the writer to continue to go forth in, Wisdom, Knowledge & Understanding!!!!

Be Blessed and Proclaim It!!!

Saturday, November 29, 2008


I know that this sounds so cliche, but the "Power of Prayer", really does work!!! I have really been experiencing this in my life daily. I have been trying to build a strong prayer life outside of everything else that I do. I believe that prayer really for works for a lot of reasons, but one imp articular is asking for forgiveness. When we pray we should always ask God in his son Jesus' name,to forgive us for all things that are not pleasing to him, asking that he forgive us for the sins that we have committed both the knowing and the unknowing.

I think that we should pray that he never takes his conviction from our hearts, so that if for nothing more we are drawn to our knees for his forgiveness!! Life is not just what we make it but what God gives us to make it with and prayer is one of those things that he gives us to make it through this life. My mom told me that, "prayer goes places that we can't", meaning that because of Christ we are able to reach the heart of God, through our prayers. That is so awesome to me!!

How do we pray? There is no dialect or passage of rights that you have to go through with prayer. I believe that prayer is simply a conversation that you have in spirit with Jesus Christ, whom in turns take our conversations to the Father. When a we try to pick the right words to say or try and sound like what we hear or think that prayer should sound like, that only makes the conversation with Jesus, labled and when we want God to work in our lives for specific needs, we better be sure that we are praying those specific needs. If praying is a challenge for you, take it to Jesus and trust me he will show the way about it. Reading prayers out of the bible are also a great way to start building a prayer life!

Where and when to pray? While I not only believe but I also practice praying anywhere at anytime whew I feel the need to. However I also feel very strongly about the reverence of prayer. We should be in our most humble state,when we praying. If you are in the comforts of your home, those are the most intimate times of prayer, in my opinion you can really set everything else aside and let the Holy Ghost truly come forth in prayer. Those are often times when one may speak in tongues or simply say nothing at all and just let Jesus carry your tears straight to the father, who knows all. Be sure to give reverence in prayer, there are times in the morning when it is cold and I feel like laying in the bed and giving my thanks for a new day and then I always get convicted by the spirit. Who am I and how thankful am I that I can't even drop to my knees!!!

Finally, when someone says pray for me or we tell someone that we are going to pray for them or there situation, be sure to do so! Can you imagine if you had no one in this world praying for you? Lets keep our word about prayer in that sense. I pray that each and everyone of you whom reads this, will find Gods favor in your life. I pray that your families are blessed and Gods mercy and grace follows them continuously, be blessed and proclaim it!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Trying Times

I just feel like writing today, you know although I am a follower of Christ and my spirit man is getting stronger, I am yet still human and there are times that I stress or worry more than I should and as a believer i shouldn't be stressing as much as I do. Never the less I do and I know that it is something that I need to pray and fast about, I have a tendency to look at whats before me and stress, instead of looking to the latter and truly trusting that, "this too shall pass.

See we create a lot of our stress , by simply taking our faith out of God and trying to fix the situation ourselves or figure out how we are going to pay this or how we are going to do that, I am so guilty of this. I know that he has never failed me and he continues to keep me. How unworthy we are sometimes of his love. Why would anyone doubt what has been proven time and time again.

So I am so speaking to myself, when I say that your doubting Christ, can be very fatal in your walk with him. He deserves our full faith and trust in him at all times, for he has yet to fail his children, those whom believe. From this day forward my prayer is that my measure of faith is increased beyond measure, that I may walk in confidence under the power of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit......................

Monday, November 17, 2008


I have been in a hiatus for a minute, ya know just dealing with everyday life! I have been dealing with or not dealing with some family issues. One of the most hardest things to deal with, within family, especially a close family like my own. A close intermediate family, are those that have the most difficulty in working out their dis agreements in the time of conflict. While we realize that it is ok for us to agree to disagree, the problem usually comes when the disagreement is one that is not really discussed or debated.

We often shy away from saying what is in our hearts, for fear of hurting ones feelings and out of love we'd rather not say what we are really feeling . I believe that a strong family unit is or can be a ministry. The state of the world at its present time, is utterly out of control and the devil is attacking the families first!!!! He knows that within a family whose foundation is built on righteousness and love, can be a mighty force! one leading by example and in the will of God! There are too many family units that have been broken, sisters not speaking for years at a time, mothers and daughters distance in each others lives, fathers and sons with no relationships at all. It is really sad that the majority of these problems arise from silly arguements, strong disargeements or past issues, that have never been brought to the forefront.

So maybe something that we could do is to have family forums when the family is together, like at holidays after eating when everyone is relaxed, fat and full! take that time to sit and talk about whatever issues there may be , if any or just about life in general, or if you are lik emy family that try and get together often, make family forum its own day! Always pray before you start your family forum and be sure to end it with a prayer as well. Be creative, like having different topics at each forum, giving each topic for the next forum at the end so that you can all have time to think about the topic and maybe prepare any questions. It's also a good time put the old saying in motion, "the family that prays together stays together". Have a different famliy member lead the prayer each time, this is also a great idea for getting our children involved in the power of prayer, have them lead too!.

I pray that each of you that may read this, will keep your family unit strong, or build your family foundation, if you have yet to do so, until the next entry be blessed and proclaim it~!

Please look forward to more on "Babylon"......A One World Government

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Bare with me!

If anyone has been reading my blog and you have not seen any new information, it it due my collecting , researching and getting the facts. Thank you and please PRAY for me!

Praclaim it and Be BLESSED

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election "08" Reflection

Before I begin on my entry about "Babylon", One World Government, I would like to address the election, as we all know histoy has taken place last night and those of us who voted, we too have made history! But now what? As believers in Christ, we must not subject our faith to man , any man!

The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is what we must keep our faith and trust in. Barak Obama, I believe was merely used as a tool by God, as a sign to his children, that we are seeing a major change in the world and in our spirit man we should be just as ready for a major change, "making history in our walk with Christ".
Stay in constant prayer the ultimate communication with our Savior. Give him praise daily for what is yet to come. Praise him in advance for taking you thru the fire, because it's gonna get hot!

While we are pleased to have a "black", man in the highest and most respected office in our country, it will not get better and we are fools to think so. Having him as our leader will most definetly change the veiws of some nations, about our nation, but it will also inturn bring about alot of unseen dangers. These things have to come as they are written, be aware of what is going on around you in the world, not just the USA, but world wide, for prophecies will unfold, don't be the last to know!

This is a time to really seek God and the Kingdom of Heaven!.......STUDY YOUR BIBLE, ask God for the understanding of his word. Obama being in office clearly shows us that this nation has been rattled, who would have thought that a Black Man would be president of the USA? That is what the unbelievers will be saying when Christ has returned for his people and to judge the nations....... Babylon will fall!!!

"Babylon", A One World Government..

Lately I have been really trying to seek Christ more than ever, finding what it means to live with a blameless heart, so that I can live righteous in the eyes of the Lord, having his "favor" in my life. First we must understand that "blameless" does not mean "sinless", we are all born of a sinful nature and will be until Christ has returned, although we struggle daily with the works of the flesh that which in it self is sin. Blameless however, means that are seeking wisdom, knowledge and understanding in Christ Jesus and what are lives are to represent for him, what are works for him and how we are trying to build up the Kingdom of Heaven. That in our judgement we will be found blameless in having sought his Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding, being not just hearers but also doers of his word.

So over the next few months, I will share in what is revealed to me through W.K.U(wisdom, knowledge, understanding), as he gives me the wisdom to seek the knowledge to understand, my purpose and duty in his kingdom building! Applying it to my life and ultimately doing his will and works.. I pray that in my journey of revelation, whomever has followed my blog, will be greatly, greatly blessed..........................