I just feel like writing today, you know although I am a follower of Christ and my spirit man is getting stronger, I am yet still human and there are times that I stress or worry more than I should and as a believer i shouldn't be stressing as much as I do. Never the less I do and I know that it is something that I need to pray and fast about, I have a tendency to look at whats before me and stress, instead of looking to the latter and truly trusting that, "this too shall pass.
See we create a lot of our stress , by simply taking our faith out of God and trying to fix the situation ourselves or figure out how we are going to pay this or how we are going to do that, I am so guilty of this. I know that he has never failed me and he continues to keep me. How unworthy we are sometimes of his love. Why would anyone doubt what has been proven time and time again.
So I am so speaking to myself, when I say that your doubting Christ, can be very fatal in your walk with him. He deserves our full faith and trust in him at all times, for he has yet to fail his children, those whom believe. From this day forward my prayer is that my measure of faith is increased beyond measure, that I may walk in confidence under the power of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit......................