I know that this sounds so cliche, but the "Power of Prayer", really does work!!! I have really been experiencing this in my life daily. I have been trying to build a strong prayer life outside of everything else that I do. I believe that prayer really for works for a lot of reasons, but one imp articular is asking for forgiveness. When we pray we should always ask God in his son Jesus' name,to forgive us for all things that are not pleasing to him, asking that he forgive us for the sins that we have committed both the knowing and the unknowing.
I think that we should pray that he never takes his conviction from our hearts, so that if for nothing more we are drawn to our knees for his forgiveness!! Life is not just what we make it but what God gives us to make it with and prayer is one of those things that he gives us to make it through this life. My mom told me that, "prayer goes places that we can't", meaning that because of Christ we are able to reach the heart of God, through our prayers. That is so awesome to me!!
How do we pray? There is no dialect or passage of rights that you have to go through with prayer. I believe that prayer is simply a conversation that you have in spirit with Jesus Christ, whom in turns take our conversations to the Father. When a we try to pick the right words to say or try and sound like what we hear or think that prayer should sound like, that only makes the conversation with Jesus, labled and when we want God to work in our lives for specific needs, we better be sure that we are praying those specific needs. If praying is a challenge for you, take it to Jesus and trust me he will show the way about it. Reading prayers out of the bible are also a great way to start building a prayer life!
Where and when to pray? While I not only believe but I also practice praying anywhere at anytime whew I feel the need to. However I also feel very strongly about the reverence of prayer. We should be in our most humble state,when we praying. If you are in the comforts of your home, those are the most intimate times of prayer, in my opinion you can really set everything else aside and let the Holy Ghost truly come forth in prayer. Those are often times when one may speak in tongues or simply say nothing at all and just let Jesus carry your tears straight to the father, who knows all. Be sure to give reverence in prayer, there are times in the morning when it is cold and I feel like laying in the bed and giving my thanks for a new day and then I always get convicted by the spirit. Who am I and how thankful am I that I can't even drop to my knees!!!
Finally, when someone says pray for me or we tell someone that we are going to pray for them or there situation, be sure to do so! Can you imagine if you had no one in this world praying for you? Lets keep our word about prayer in that sense. I pray that each and everyone of you whom reads this, will find Gods favor in your life. I pray that your families are blessed and Gods mercy and grace follows them continuously, be blessed and proclaim it!