Ya know we all have those days when we just wanna write and say whats on our minds at that very moment. Here watching the 43rd Super Bowl along with half of the country, and personally I don't like football because I don't understand it making it challenging to me! For many of us not being familiar with something can be intimidating mainly because we are in unfamiliar territories.
On the other hand we all know how to feels to conquer something, be it when we were children and we finally learned to stay on that bike, or really get fractions for the first time,or just learning to tie our shoes. Those things gave us a sense of power and independence because we actually felt like we were on our way to being a big boy or girl now. Well it gets that way for us as adults to, we have to remind ourselves that we are a road to maturity as we are faced with life's trials and tribulations, its ups, downs, In's and out. So maybe we need to approach each day like a new challenge, so that we could have the drive to want to conquer the day and whatever it is that we have to accomplish that day, work, school, appts, household, whatever it is we can do it with ease, taking each thing as it comes and dealing with it head on, not stoppping until we have conquered it! Be Blessed and Proclaim It!